Enhance & Enrich your Kids Lives with Hobby Space and Invest in Your Home’s Value: Add a Sunroom this Spring » Vision Art Aluminium
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Create a designated learning area in your home by adding a sunroom for family fun, to increase learning and togetherness while increasing the value of your home… Sun-Room=Fun-Room for All

Vision Art Aluminum has said it before: “Sunrooms are about family fun and it’s important to realize what a dynamic and enriching home improvement and investment a sunroom is, New Jersey.” Look into the future for a moment? If your home with a sunroom were up for sale on a block of similar homes without a sunroom, which one would sell first? Extra living space = extra dollars in the selling price at sale time. Makes sense, right?

Also, living space can evolve as a family grows. It can be a hobby room now, or perhaps, a gym, a garden, an office and one day an extra bedroom at ground level when someone needs help aging. CNN ran a story just today about burnout in caregivers, an exhausting and sometimes thankless job. Kids grow up, leave home and what do you know grandma needs help or perhaps… You do?

Let’s add this note for those who own businesses: pergolas and sunrooms are not just for homes. Businesses that add outdoor space with exposure to fresh air, (less of a risk for COVID like ailments) sunshine and have extra seats to sell will make additional income monthly. One such business added 125 new seats and made an additional six figure income PER MONTH.

For the kids, time spent with parents is always remembered so it can be very important that the hobby chosen is, hopefully, one every member of the family enjoys. Also, with a room to focus in, make learning a family activity in the form of a hobby or interest by taking suggestions from your family, perhaps invite your kids’ friends to join in if you have a more the merrier approach to life.

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The whole process of selecting a hobby can be family fun, too. Vision Art Aluminum suggests, for example, each family member teach the family what they enjoy by sharing it….parents first to set an example?


1-If someone makes a craft item in school, ask them teach the whole family how to make it.

2-Read together

3-Take a family hike

4-Visit a museum

5- Visit a garden shop for inspiration and then grow a garden together

6-Go to a tropical fish store together

7-If grandma still cooks, let the whole family help her on a holiday (if she’ll allow if 🙂 and find the next generation’s chefs

8-Be a tourist in New Jersey and find what excites kids. Visit local businesses, go to the farmer’s market, go to the library.

9-Make the building of the sunroom something to educate and expand the kids and let them chose a simple addition whether its switch plate covers, colors, styles, etc.

10-If a parent took a business trip to a foreign county or another state share it with the whole family. If they ate a unique meal, present it to the family.

11-Have a weekly give away for the best grade, the best joke, the best helper

12-Will your sunroom have a remote glass roof? Just one word: TELESCOPE

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With cost in mind because of inflation, here’s a few things that have gotten lost in our modern culture and kids have little exposure to but would result in lots of fun, better health, learning, growing that sunroom /fun-room space could make possible:

1-Start a family jewelry business and sell the products online at Ebay or Etsy and fund family vacations. If you are successful perhaps you can take a better family vacation to buy supplies in a foreign land. Possibly you can give what the kids make to friends and family as gifts, take about memorable!

2-Start a game day event…board games only. Get kids away from the keyboard and screen and get your kids outdoors as a priority. The sunshine is critical for their health…and your own.

3-Teach dancing, yoga, meditation and let the kids make up funny dances and send the videos out of state relatives at holiday time.

4) Not to be redundant but, again, it bears repeating, and repeating please remember, there is a critical health problem…its Vitamin D deficiency in the USA and the world. Kids do not play outdoors missing out on fresh air and exposure to sun and Vitamin D. Childhood diabetes is up over 40+ %.

Let’s get really serious here. We’ve really repetitive on this.  Do you know that juvenile diabetes can shorten our children’s lives? And not just a little…it’s a serious issue and we need to do something about it vigilantly with information, medical care and a healthy regime. Diabetes can take 10 or 20 years off a child life!

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Too many children are indoors with their computers, the TV, etc. Foods cannot supplement a child’s needs for Vit. D!  This is a matter for you and your pediatrician and it’s imperative. All kids (and adults!!!) should have a blood test yearly to make sure Vitamin D levels are safe. We are not trying to scare you; our self chosen roll is one of educator because WE CHANGE LIVES with European craftsmanship, the best unique, customized products in the world to fill to your specific needs, likes, with the best customer service and important information.

Vision Art Aluminum can create a customized remote controlled sliding glass roof for sunrooms. Have a look at this video in East Brunswick, NJ…meet our friend and customer, Sam, and take a look at his sunroom Call our office at 646-270-8983 and get a free consult? If you have a child with juvenile diabetes, ask your accountant if you can deduct the cost of a sunroom from your income tax as a medical expense with a note from your child’s doctor.

NNJ’s Vision Art Aluminum designs and installs beautiful state of the art, built to code sunrooms that offer a mind blowing comfort and look fantastic and have far reaching implications. Vision Art Aluminum sunrooms allow you to enjoy the natural beauty of the great outdoors while staying comfortable and protected from the elements. Vision Art Aluminum sunrooms are custom-designed and crafted to meet your specific needs. Our team of artisans and craftsman are highly experienced and will be with you, guide you, answer your questions and help you every step of the way.

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